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Spring 2025 Indoor Volleyball Info

01/22/2024, 5:00am EST
By Mike Harvey

Team info needed:  Captain's name & phone contact/email.  Also, team name & division/level.

Any players not paid up by last season's tourney, or teams that waited until after the league tourney, or that still owe, will have to pay upfront before they even get a time.  



Monday – Women’s 4’s 
at Electric Works, PFW & Concordia Seminary
Divisions offered:  A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+ , C
Begins March 3rd 
Early Entry Fee - $240  
Regular Team Entry Fee: $260
10 match season plus double elimination tourney 

Tuesday – Coed 6’s
at Concordia Seminary
Divisions offered:  B, B-, C+ , C & C-
Begins March 11th 
Early Entry Fee - $300
Regular Team Entry Fee: $330
10 match season plus double elimination tourney 

Wednesday – Coed 6’s
at Electric Works, PFW & Concordia Seminary
Divisions offered:  B+, B, B-, C+, C & C-
Begins March 5th 
Early Entry Fee - $300
Regular Team Entry Fee: $330
10 match season plus double elimination tourney 

Wednesday – Women’s 5’s
at Concordia Seminary
Divisions offered:  Upper & Lower
Begins March 5th  
Early Entry Fee - $250
Regular Team Entry Fee: $275
10 match season plus double elimination tourney 

Thursday – Coed 6’s
at Electric Works, PFW & Concordia Seminary
Divisions offered:  A-/B+, B, B-, C+, C & C-
Begins March 6th
Early Entry Fee - $300
Regular Team Entry Fee: $330
10 match season plus double elimination tourney 

Thursday – Men’s 4’s
at Electric Works, PFW & Concordia Seminary
Divisions offered:  B+, B, B-, C+, C & C-
Begins March 6th
Early Entry Fee - $240
Regular Team Entry Fee: $260
10 match season plus double elimination tourney 

Friday – Coed 4’s
at Concordia Seminary
Divisions offered:  Upper & Lower
Begins February 28th  
Early Entry Fee - $200, Regular Team Entry Fee: $200
10 match season plus double elimination tourney 

Sunday - Coed Sixes
at Electric Works
Divisions offered:  Upper & Lower 
Begins March 2nd 
Early Entry Fee - $270, Regular Team Entry Fee: $300
10 match season plus double elimination tourney 






Tuesday – Coed 4’s
Divisions offered:  A/A-, B+, B, B-, C+ , C & C-
Begins March 11th 
At Empowered
Early Entry Fee - $240
Regular Team Entry Fee: $260
2 matches minimum, plus double elimination tourney
7:15 & after

Wednesday – Coed 6’s
Divisions offered:  B, B-, C+, C & C-
Begins March 5th 
At Empowered
Early Entry Fee - $250
Regular Team Entry Fee: $280
2 matches minimum, plus double elimination tourney
7:15 & after

Thursday – Coed 6’s
Divisions offered:  B+, B, B-, C+, C & C-
Begins March 6th  
At Empowered
Early Entry Fee - $300
Regular Team Entry Fee: $330
2 matches minimum, plus double elimination tourney
7:15 & after


Teams can pay up to the first night, in one handoff, in full, and get the early entry fee.


To enter a team use entry form below, or simply send team name, contact info, and division to



Team Name_______________________________

Amount Paid:___________________

Day (circle one or two)


Division (circle one or two)

Coed 4's Coed 6's Men's Women's

Level of Play (circle one)

C C+ B- B B+ A- A

Team Captain's Information:




Home Phone:_________________________

Cell Phone:_________________________

Work Phone:_________________________


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Make check out to "Fair Play" or Mike Harvey

Send to:

Mike Harvey
11917 Saint Joe Road
Grabill, In. 46741
(260) 402-3999

New Adult Basketball League - Sundays at the Seminary

09/01/2024, 11:45am EDT
By Mike Harvey

A new 5-on-5 basketball league will start at the Seminary on January 12th, 2025.  The early fee is $550.  After the first week it is $600.  Games are on Sundays, targeted to be between 12:50 pm & 10 pm.  It will be a minimum of 6 games overall, including a post-season league tourney.  The division choices will be A, B+, B, B-, C+ & C.

Registration begins now for any team that will cover all the team fee.  Veteran teams that paid up previously by, or on, week one, may reserve a spot, starting Dec. 1st.  Veteran teams that did not pay by week one previously, or new teams, will have to pay in full upfront.  The fee has been reduced by $50 so teams can better afford it, and also with one less game, so that we are done by FWCS spring break, which has been a complaint recently as to why we are playing during those weeks (if we get snowed out, we will have to use them though...)  We are off Super Bowl Sunday.

Schedules and standings will be located at "Like" the facebook page at:

The basics: You get three time outs per game.  It is two twenty minute halves.  Stoppage happens in the last two minutes of the game, and in the last 15 seconds of the first half. Players get six fouls.  Teams need dark & light jersey options.  Please do not have duplicate numbers on your jerseys.  

Women are allowed to play in the men's league.

Email Mike Harvey at for more info!  We just need your team name, contact phone/email, division and payment arrangement..