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2024 Summer League Volleyball Info - Session #3

06/17/2024, 7:55pm EDT
By Mike Harvey

We just need you to send your name, your team name, your phone, your night of play & division.  Team fees are listed below, and how to pay is listed above on this site...  Contact is or (260) 402-3999

We are off Labor Day Weekend...


At River City (Beach)

Monday - Men’s & Women’s 4’s
Divisions offered:  A, A-, B+, B & B- 
Begins August 12th 
Team Entry Fee - 10 Match Season: $260 
Early Entry Fee - $240
Start times: 6 pm to 10 pm (off Labor Day)

Tuesday - Coed 4’s
Divisions offered:  A, A-, B+, B & B- 
Begins August 13th 
Team Entry Fee - 10 Match Season: $260
Early Entry Fee - $240
Start times: 6 pm to 10 pm

Wednesday - Coed 6’s
Divisions offered:  B+, B,  B-, C+, C & C-
Begins August 7th 
Team Entry Fee -  10 Match Season: $330
Early Entry Fee - $300
Start times: 6 pm to 10 pm

Thursday - Coed 6’s
Division offered:  B & higher, B and lower
Begins August 15th 
Team Entry Fee -  10 Match Season: $330
Early Entry Fee - $300
Start times: 6 pm to 10 pm
Friday - Coed 6’s
Divisions offered:  B & higher, B and lower
Begins August 9th 
Team Entry Fee -  10 Match Season: $330
Early Entry Fee - $300
Start times: 6 pm to 10 pm

Sunday - Coed 6’s
Divisions offered:  B & higher, B and lower
Begins August 11th 
Team Entry Fee - 12 Match Season: $240
Early Entry Fee - $240
Start times: 6 pm to 10 pm

Sunday - Coed, Men’s & Women’s 4’s 
Divisions offered:  B+, B, B-, C+ & C
Begins August 11th 
Team Entry Fee - 12 Match Season: $240
Early Entry Fee - $220
Start times: 3:30 pm to 9 pm
3 matches per night, normally

All leagues have a double elimination post-season tourney.

We will use the Electric Works, Dunfee Sandlot, Pathway
or Empowered for overflow…

Kids under 13 are not ok to be at River City.



At Empowered (Indoor Sand)


Tuesday – Coed 6’s
Divisions offered:  B, B-, C+ , C & C-
Begins August 6th 
At Empowered
Early Entry Fee - $240
Regular Team Entry Fee: $270
5 week season 
plus double elimination tourney
7:15 start

Wednesday – Coed 6’s
Divisions offered:  B, B-, C+, C & C-
Begins August 7th  
At Empowered
Early Entry Fee - $270
Regular Team Entry Fee: $300
5 week season 
plus double elimination tourney
7:15 start


Indoor Hard Court


Monday – Women’s 4’s
Divisions offered:  B, B-, C+ , C & C-
Begins September 9th  
At the Seminary 
Early Entry Fee - $240
Regular Team Entry Fee: $260
5 week season with refs, or 4 and extra match without refs 
plus double elimination tourney

Thursday – Men’s 4’s 
Divisions offered:  A-/B+ & B
Begins September 5th  
At the Seminary 
Early Entry Fee - $240
Regular Team Entry Fee: $260
5 week season with refs, or 4 and extra match without refs 
plus double elimination tourney


Payment methods)

We accept cash, check, Venmo, Chase Quickpay(Zelle), Facebook Pay & Google Pay

The email to send to for Chase, is:

On Venmo it is fairplaybeach




To enter a team use entry form below, or simply send contact info, day of play, and division to



Team Name_______________________________

Amount Paid:___________________

Day (circle one or two)


Division (circle one or two)

Coed Men's Women's

Level of Play (circle one)

C C+ B- B B+ A- A

Team Captain's Information:




Home Phone:_________________________

Cell Phone:_________________________

Work Phone:_________________________


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Make check out to "Fair Play" or Mike Harvey.

Send to:

Mike Harvey
11917 Saint Joe Road
Grabill, In. 46741
(260) 402-3999


Teams need to let me know of any scheduling issues BEFORE I make the full schedule.  Also, there are NO REFUNDS after I make the full schedule...


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